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May your labor, brings you joy! you have just donated another book of Gemara for Charity!
May your labor, brings you joy! Thanks to you , we could purchase more Gemara books which we could lend over and over happily to many Yeshiva students!
May your labor, brings you joy! You have just donated 2 books of Gemara for charity
May your labor, brings you joy! Thanks to you , we could purchase 2 more Gemara books which we could lend over and over happily to many Yeshiva students!
May you be blessed! You have just donated 3 more Gemara books for charity
May your labor, brings you joy! Thanks to you , we could purchase 3 more Gemara books which we could lend over and over happily to many Yeshiva students!
May you be blessed! You have just donated 4 more Gemara books for charity
May your labor, brings you joy! Thanks to you , we could purchase 4 more Gemara books which we could lend over and over happily to many Yeshiva students!
Half of Minyan(Jewish ritual) thanks to you! You have donated 5 more Gemara books for charity
Thank you Righteous person! Thanks to you we have already half of Minyan!(Jewish Ritual) Thanks to you, we could purchase 5 another Gemara books which we could lend to many Yeshiva students!
Well done! You have just donated 8 more Gemara books for charity
Well done! You have just donated 8 more Gemara books for charity which we could lend to many Yeshiva students
Thank you Righteous person! Thanks to you, Minyan of 10 Gemaras was purchased
You are a Righteous person! We have a Minyan(Jewish Ritual) thanks to you! With your donation, You have given the opportunity to 10 more Yeshiva students to learn Torah using the Wonderful Gemara books!
A 1 and a half Minyan(Jewish Ritual) ! 15 Gemaras will be purchased thanks to you!
You are a Righteous person! Thanks to you, we have 1.5 Minyan! Thanks to you, we could purchase 15 more Gemara books which we could lend to many Yeshiva students
Twenty Gemara books! 2 Minyanas of Gemara students are established thanks to you!`
May your labor, brings you joy! We have already 2 Minyans! Thanks to you, we could purchase 20 more Gemara books which we could lend to many Yeshiva students
Three Minyans! 30 new Gemara students thanks to you!
You are a Righteous person! Thanks to you, We could purchase 30 more Gemara books which we could lend to many Yeshiva students
Thanks to your donation there will be 40 new Gemara learners!
You are a Righteous person! Thanks to you, We could purchase 40 more Gemara books which we could lend to many Yeshiva students
Granting the Many! 50 Gemara books were acquired thanks to you!
Granting the Many! Thanks to you, we could purchase 50 more Gemara books which we could lend them to Yeshiva students
you are about to pay of amount $ each payment. Donation Total: $ on project Now more than ever! Donate Shotensteins Gemaras to the authority and study of the patients hospitalized in Israel's hospitals ❤ and get
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