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Chaim Madar, a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor living in inhumane conditions and needs our help to rebuild his life
Chaim Madar, a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor living in inhumane conditions and needs our help to rebuild his life

Chaim Madar, a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor living in inhumane conditions and needs our help to rebuild his life

When Chaim Madar was young in the labor camps, he endured extreme hunger, cold, and fear on a daily basis, but he managed to survive.After all the horrors he has suffered, nowdays he is 93 years old and faces inhumane neglect, loneliness, and cruel alienation every day without receiving any support or assistance from no one.Help Chaim Medar in living a dignified life.

Lev Naomi

$ 58,390 raised by 1,516 users
101% of $ 57,654 סוג הגיוס
Project Finished


.In Acre, Chaim Madar lives alone in a neglected one-and-a-half-room apartment
.His apartment smells strongly of mildew and has almost no air in it

 His room is filled with old, dilapidated furniture, broken pictures, and random old books. Chaim sleeps on an iron bed without new sheets, pillows, or blankets since months ago
.It is impossible for him to do it by himself


.He was born in Djerba
When the Germans invaded Tunis, he was taken to German labor camps because he
.was a sturdy boy
.Chaim's entire family was murdered during the Holocaust
Chaim immigrated alone to the state of Israel at the age of 20 after surviving the Holocaust.

After serving in the Palmach, he moved to Mebara and lived alone in one apartment after another.
Eventually, he was able to acquire a one-and-a-half-room apartment in Acre, where he has lived ever since

Having no company around him, Haim has grown and cultivated plants for many years.
"My plants are my lifeline. They serve as my mental health care.
Taking care of them makes me feel that I am not alone and that I have a responsibility." he said.

Several months ago, Chaim tripped and seriously injured his leg, so he had to undergo surgery. In order to survive, he needed close attention.
Haim has repeatedly tried to seek assistance without success.
Haim's neighbor said, "I contacted many authorities in order to assist him, but they said they could not do anything at the moment. His apartment is neglected, and he lives in substandard conditions. It is a shame that they continue to allow him to live like this."

Chaim has been staying in a hostel for the last few days, which provides him with food and a place to sleep.
The hostel was partially funded by a few kind citizens who volunteered to help temporarily.
In a few days, Chaim will be forced to return to his neglected and uninhabitable apartment after so many difficult events in his life.
Citizens and neighbors are asking for help to repair the apartment and help him out to
live his life with respect.

100% of the donations are transferred to the trust account of Adv Amichai Ben-slush

The entire activity is carried out voluntarily by the volunteers of the Lev Naomi association who all work fully voluntarily!
For each donation, you will automatically receive a receipt by email. The donation is recognized for tax purposes under Section 46.

For any questions and inquiries, you can send an email to the or by telephone at 03-67711111

About Lev Naomi:
The association has been active in full volunteering for 28 years since 1994 - there are no salary recipients and everyone works 100% voluntarily.
The association has proper management approval in effect from the Associations Registry for 2022, and the donations are recognized for a tax refund.

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