Check list for crowed funding
One of the most important parts of a mass financing campaign, is to arrive with a prearranged plan. We encourage you to print this page and already at the planning stage to record in an orderly manner who does and what part each partner in your mass mobil
Especially for the benefit of site users, we have prepared a checklist for you: Work with it and mark each item and specify who does what and how it is even before you go up with a mass mobilization campaign.
More tips are waiting for you in the booklet "Raising" The full manual for mass mobilization - the booklet can be obtained exclusively in the mass funding workshop. To find out about a date close to the mass funding workshop - click here
Checklist for a mass financing campaign
1. Setting goals
What is the purpose of our mass funding campaign? Do we just want to raise money on the Internet (donation or sale), do we have additional goals such as awareness, branding, community building? Of course, you can choose several goals and goals.
Campaign Goals:
2. Campaign team
There is no such reality to embark on a mass mobilization campaign alone. You need a team to help you! Build a team that will accompany the campaign from the initial stages and throughout the campaign. No way go alone! A lot of work is waiting for you and the help should be right from the start.
My Team:
3. Formulation of the concept
Sure your idea is clear in your mind. But now try to write it in such a way that even those who have not heard anything about it will understand only your reading of your idea. Move the page you wrote to several friends and hear what they have to say. Mainly in order to know how to market it correctly to the various audiences.
My idea:
4. Define the target amount
One of the most crucial elements of a campaign's success or failure is choosing the amount. Consider a lot of thought to determine the target amount. Keep in mind that if the amount is too high, you can divide the campaign into stages and set the first one as the first target and continue accordingly.
Target for recruitment:
5. Budget expenses
Prepare a list of expected expenses for advertising and marketing of the campaign (whether you arrive at the destination or not) + gift shipments at the end of the recruitment, as well as unexpected expenses.
Expense budget:
6. Choose a platform
Look at the various sites that offer you a mass funding campaign. How much they charge and what support they give you before and during the campaign. Another point is an option for additional languages. If your idea is good in Israel, it may be of interest to people abroad, and make sure that the site allows you to run a campaign in other languages.
7. Gifts - gifts - changes
No matter what you call it. You'll always have to give some reward. Even if the organization is raising money, it is necessary to send letters of thanks or a certificate of appreciation. If you were able to raise gifts even better!
8. Visual materials
Start working from now on: Slogan, photos, video and other compelling visual material that you will launch in the campaign at the beginning and later.
9. Campaign duration
Recommended duration is between 30 and 45 days. Check that the dates you've chosen do not fall on holidays, vacations, other important dates, or those you can not handle.
10. Support circles
Make lists with your three circles of support. The first circle is near, family and friends. The second circle is more distant acquaintances and the third circle is people who will join later.
It is important to remember several things:
More than half of the campaigns fail. A lot of money goes to waste in a very large number of campaigns. Much depends on luck of course. But also in proper planning, understanding and preparation for this mass mobilization campaign.
It is important that you understand how it works. Access mass funding sites and follow campaigns. Read articles. Take part in workshops or take someone to help you. In the end, everyone wants very much to succeed in raising money online, but not everyone knows and succeeds in doing so.
Successfully !